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What are Hinenu goals?To support medical volunteers in meeting the needs of Israeli medical institutions in the short-term (war and post-war) and to support the development of long-term relationships.
How do I get started as a volunteer?Potential volunteers should register through this link. Israel, as a developed country, requires medical professional volunteers to be vetted and temporarily licensed to practice medicine in Israel. Many physicians and nurses have volunteered in non-medical capacities in Israel, whether in agricultural work, packing food for the IDF, or visiting patients in hospitals. Hinenu is working to have medical volunteers work within their professional capacity in Israeli medical institutions.
How long is the approval process?The process for medical volunteers is a few steps: All requests for volunteers must come from the Institution. Hinenu is in direct communication with hospital departments to assess their needs and help support the process. Medical volunteers must be selected by the department to make sure they fit the department’s needs. Hinenu assists with this by getting CVs and credentials from volunteers and pre-screening them. Usually, a conversation between the department chief and volunteer is organized. Institution selected volunteers will get a Hinenu link to let us know your availability for volunteering in the following 6 months. Potential scheduling is finalized by the department. The institution must request a temporary medical license from the Ministry of Health for the volunteer. This requires Hinenu to collect the following documents from the volunteers: Medical diploma Proof of specialty training (residency, fellowship, Boards etc.) Current active medical license Passport The Ministry of Health reviews the file and issues the temporary medical license. This typically takes 2-3 workdays but it may take longer.
Do I have to speak Hebrew?No. While some departments have a need for conversational Hebrew, most departments are able to assign a medical student or resident to assist with translation issues and communication. While Hebrew is an advantage, it is not required in most cases.
Are my donations tax deductible?Yes! We have official IRS 501(c) (3) status as a tax deductible organization.
How can I donate?Donate link:
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